White Paper: Why WordPress is for Ecommerce, Regardless of Platform

Why WordPress is for Ecommerce, Regardless of Platform

Harnessing the power of WordPress in conjunction with your ecommerce solution is a smart idea. WordPress’ powerful content management functionality allows you to use strong content to  draw outside users in, permitting you to expand your brand in new ways which would be difficult to achieve using only an ecommerce solution.

Once integrated with your ecommerce store, it only takes minutes to launch WordPress and start producing content. Combined with a simple blogging workflow, extendability through plugins and themes, and easy commerce integration, WordPress is extremely attractive and arguably the best CMS out there for not only ecommerce, but all websites.

Download this white paper to learn more about integration with your favorite ecommerce platform: WooCommerce, Shopify, BigCommerce, Volusion and Magento.

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Build faster, protect your brand, and grow your business with a WordPress platform built to power remarkable online experiences.